Email Marketing Stats That Small Business Owners Should Know About.

3 min readFeb 29, 2024


In an era where digital connectivity is more akin to air and water than a mere convenience, the global internet user base has surged to an impressive 5.18 billion individuals in 2023, according to Statista. This number is expected to climb even higher, reflecting the ever-expanding digital landscape that shapes our lives.

Email Marketing Stats

The ROI Powerhouse of Email Marketing

Email marketing, often overlooked in the flashy world of digital advertising, remains a formidable force, boasting an average return on investment (ROI) of $38 for every $1 spent. This astounding figure, reported by the DMA, places email marketing at the pinnacle of cost-effectiveness in the marketing realm.

The Magic of Personalization and Segmentation

The power of personalization is undeniable, with personalized subject lines boosting open rates by 26%, as found by Campaign Monitor. Similarly, Mailchimp highlights the advantages of segmentation, revealing a 14.32% higher open rate for segmented campaigns. These strategies not only refine the user experience but significantly enhance engagement and efficacy.

The Mobile Movement

With nearly half of all emails opened on mobile devices (Litmus), the importance of mobile-responsive designs cannot be overstated. However, Campaign Monitor notes a challenge: mobile clicks convert at a 40% lower rate than desktop, underscoring the necessity for optimized landing pages.

The Automation Advantage

Automated emails are not just about saving time; they’re a revenue-generating powerhouse, producing 320% more revenue than their non-automated counterparts (Campaign Monitor). Incorporating videos into emails can further spike engagement, potentially tripling click rates (Martech Advisor).

Timing and Frequency: Getting It Just Right

The timing of email dispatches can significantly impact their success, with Tuesday mornings at 10 AM being the sweet spot (Omnisend). Moreover, maintaining a weekly communication frequency is preferred by 61% of consumers (Constant Contact), balancing engagement without overwhelming recipients.

Beyond Basics: AI, AMP, and Interactive Content

The adoption of AI in email marketing is on the rise, with nearly half of marketers utilizing it for audience segmentation (Statista). Google’s AMP for Email is revolutionizing the medium by enabling interactive features directly within emails, promising new engagement opportunities.

The Power of Storytelling and Social Proof

Emails are not just about promotions; they’re a platform for storytelling, with 55% of customers more likely to purchase if they connect with the narrative behind a product (Forbes). Including social proof like reviews and testimonials can further boost conversions by 15% (Campaign Monitor).

The Future of Email Marketing: Dark Mode and Voice-Activated Searches

As we look ahead, the adoption of dark mode and the integration of voice-activated searches are set to redefine email marketing strategies. Gartner predicts that by 2025, 60% of voice of the customer programs will analyze voice and text interactions, underscoring the evolving landscape of digital communication.

Conclusion: The Ever-Evolving Email Marketing

Email marketing remains a vital component of digital marketing strategies, evolving with technological advancements and shifting consumer preferences. Its ability to offer personalized, targeted, and interactive content positions it as a versatile and effective tool in the marketer’s arsenal. As the digital world continues to expand, so too will the possibilities within email marketing, promising a future where engagement, personalization, and ROI reach new heights.

